Category: La Fondation

PlanetSolar II was christened on Wednesday, May 22, in the port of Hauterive (NE), in front of a group of scientists, partners of the PlanetSolar Foundation, and friends of the eco-explorer Raphaël Domjan. This ceremony marked the launch of the solar and solidarity navigation and scientific missions project on Lake Titicaca, in Peru, scheduled for…

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H.S.H Prince Albert II of Monaco honored us with his visit this Monday, September 4th. His dedication to sustainability and exploration is a source of inspiration for us all. We are proud of our partnership with the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, and we eagerly anticipate our upcoming joint endeavors as we continue working…

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The PlanetSolar Foundation wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2022 ! Discover below (in french only) our Newsletter in PDF – December 2021 Newsletter décembre 2021 (PDF)

The RTS TV programm Helvetia Durabilis spoke about solar energy in its 8th episode with the title : de Sunenergy à PlanetSolar.

From the first prototypes in the middle of the 20th century by passionate engineers, to the latest exploits of aviation and navigation to solar energy, an exceptional number of projects have emerged. The common dream? A mobility taking advantage of solar energy respectful of the environment. Discover these fabulous stories that bring together the pioneering…

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Discover Raphaël Domjan on Canal Alpha, on 6 of August 2021

May 4, 2012 at 2:12 p.m. LT we cross the last line of longitude. The first solar-powered round-the-world trip is completed. What a magnificent adventure. Thanks to all our partners, to the entire PlanetSolar team and to all the people who helped us in our incredible adventure around the world.

Between 3rd and 15th of June 2019, visit the exhibition “Pioneers and adventurers powered by solar energy” in Metropole Centre, La Chaux-de-Fonds (Switzerland).

The exhibition “Pioneers and Adventurers in Solar Energy” begin its 2019 tour! From the 6th to the 25th of May, you can visit it free of charge at Avry Center (canton of Fribourg, Switzerland). 

PlanetSolar Foundation will soon produce its own energy and cover its operating costs thanks to the sun! During spring, the Foundation will built a large 99 kW solar power plant on the roof of its partner MPS’s factory in Biel, with the collaboration of Soleol, also partner company. This large solar power plant, named “PlanetSolar…

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